The Dawn Of New Crypto Economy

The shift of web2 to web3, the new online era for people is now

"With the trend towards remote work because of the pandemic, ant3 work to the way that humans think about cooperation, collaboration, and collective resources, and to present an opportunity for communities and organizations to rethink how we work together to provide more equitable participation and incentives across any geography at any time."


How to make a big difference in the web3 world

Ant3 provide a space for people wanting to learn and participate in Web 3.0. Ant3 takes this to a New Level as it can leverage the interest in the project and ecosystem it relates to, thereby syncing those wanting to embrace Web 3.0 to their own participation in the project’s community, to a common goal, community, project partners, community of these projects, casual enthusiasts and others. Ant3 will bring together all those within a specific project ecosystem.

Ant3 ecosystems are unique because it can align multiple parties such as academicians with expertise in blockchain to cooperate in terms of research, technical know-how, policy formulation, and development.


Transparent for all to view and audit, enabling people to fully understand how decisions are and were made over time and how power is distributed within community.


A more democratized decentralized process where community can come together to influence the direction of the DAO


How it forms consensus, and how consensus is turned into action are often hardcoded into open-source smart contracts deployed on blockchains.


Allows anyone in the world with an Internet connection to participate without revealing every aspect of their identity, leading to social structures that can inherently remove potential biases around gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, nationality, and other personal identifiers.

How do DAOs work?

Protocol DAOs

Protocol DAOs support the development and management of decentralized applications (dApps) or the infrastructure used by dApps.

Social DAOs

Protocol DAOs support the development and management of decentralized applications (dApps) or the infrastructure used by dApps.

Investment DAOs

Investment DAOs manage funds located in a treasury under the DAO’s control. Investment DAOs are predominately focused on generating profits for community.

Ant3 Token

ant3 Price


ant3 Token Holders

5116 Addresses

Bsc-ant3 Token Holders

0 Addresses

What we do

ANT3 Ecosystem

Creator economy

The creator economy is an emerging community of creators, such as artists, musicians, film, game developers, etc., who directly connect with supporters (fans) and collaborate without intermediaries, and creators can obtain independent income streams.

O2O economy

Ant3 will create a win-win marketplace for consumers and sellers – from daily consumption, travelling to micro finance.

Intellectual Property

At present, ANT3 has entered the art and music industry, and injected NFT technology into it with cutting-edge technology to digitize its works, realizing that it can go beyond the limitations of this field, and all originality is not limited to the development of one region, which can obtain consistent benefits globally. At the same time, it cooperates with well-known film industry to bring profits into the respective communities.

Web3 Economy


a combination of traditional games and blockchain technology, through the participation of on-chain gaming users can achieve 'play while earning', which also has a staking economic model, which appreciate tokens value and continue to make profits. And this is essential to the metaverse development.

Staking economy

In addition to the application of tokens, it creates additional value to the tokens, and by putting the corresponding tokens into the pool, they can continue to earn staking income, and enjoy the benefits of token value growth during the staking period.


Create a virtual world that is closest to the real-world environment, and the economic chain effect that occurs in the real world will occur in this simulated virtual world, and users can make accurate judgments and responses to what happens in the real world through the simulator.

Green economy

Carbon Credits – Carbon Credits are 'the right to emit carbon dioxide', usually measured in one metric ton of emissions. After the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, carbon rights officially became tradable commodity products. Because carbon is intangible, it cannot be seen or touched, so the issuance of carbon rights is quite rigorous and requires strict certification standards. For ANT3 users, there is an opportunity to use their tokens in the future to participate in the carbon field and benefit from it.

The power of change is in your hands. Join our community, change the world.